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Discover How to Beat Work Injuries

  • lineWithout Having to visit the GP!
  • lineWithout Taking Painkillers

If you get injured whilst at work, it feels like a huge setback. Especially if you are self-employed. You were just doing your job, and then the injury hit. Now, you are probably in pain, feeling stiff, certainly not moving as freely as you were, and your injury is preventing you from doing your job properly.

At Relive Physiotherapy in Chester, we know this all too well as our clients with work-based injuries tell us this all the time.

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Worried About Your Work-Based Injury?

Will resting it be enough? NO!

If I ignore it, will it go away by itself? NO!

The pain and stiffness that you are feeling are probably having a negative impact on your life. You might be having difficulty sleeping at night due to the pain.

By doing nothing, you are affecting your quality of life. By doing nothing, your injury is not getting better. In fact, it might be getting worse, especially if you are still having to work or do the movements that hurt. Your body may even be compensating for this injury and there are now new strains on your body.

Your injury is probably getting worse and feeling stiffer than when the pain started in the first place.

A Work-Based Injury is such a difficult condition to deal with. One minute, you’re doing your job, the next you are in pain and unable to do the things that you normally do. It might even have transferred over into your private life as you may be unable to do everyday things that you were doing before. This has an enormous negative effect on your mental wellbeing and self-confidence as you try to avoid simple daily activities. Depending on your injury, it may be difficult to walk, drive, get dressed, brush your teeth, or even get out of a chair. If you have children to look after, your injury makes this a real challenge. You become OVER cautious when living your life and eventually your injury gets worse, and the area becomes weaker and even stiffer.

People who get injured at work often ask us:




To help you navigate information about Work-Based Injuries, we’ve prepared a short report where you can learn about the different conditions and how to prevent them, such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Back Strain or Shoulder Injuries.

REST is a vital part of recovery, but it isn’t everything. Let us help!

There is so much information available about Work-Based Injuries and even more advice on what you should be doing to recover. Sadly, a lot of this is conflicting which leaves you feeling confused and looking for proper answers. This is the situation in which many of the Clients who come to the Relive Physiotherapy Clinic in Chester with a work-based injury find themselves.

You may have been told by a colleague, ‘It’s probably nothing, so it’ll go with a bit of rest’, ‘if it still hurts in a day or two, just get some painkillers while it heals’ or ‘see how you feel in a few days’. All of this advice is well-meant, but after days, weeks, months (and sometimes even years), the problems are still there, NOTHING has changed, and the condition may have even worsened. The painkillers took away the pain but didn’t heal the injury. Once they are finished, the pain comes back. Rest can help, but it won’t address the cause of the pain.

The most important thing to do when you have a work-based injury is the right thing. But what EXACTLY is that and who can tell you this? A trained professional who can assess the extent of your injury and design a bespoke plan to get you on the road to recovery. If you are in pain, it will start to intrude into your daily life, stopping you from even doing simple things such as tying your laces, brushing your teeth, looking after your children, or getting out of a chair. ‘Getting older’ does not mean bowing to the inevitable and just living with your pain.

work injury
work injury

Does That Sound Like YOU?

Whenever you get any kind of injury, it’s immensely frustrating. The pain reminds you that you are not operating at 100% and you don’t know where to look for the information that will help you with your pain. When you ask colleagues, you get varied responses. When you look up your injury and pain on the internet, the information can vary from ‘soldier on, it’s nothing’ to ‘this is serious’. Time to take ill health retirement, you can never work again! The problem is that you don’t know who or what to believe. Well-meaning friends/ colleagues/ family all have an opinion on your injury and what you should do to manage your pain. Whilst they genuinely believe that their advice is sound, unless they are medically trained, have given you a thorough examination and understand your condition, their help can do more harm than good. You might read on the internet that you need to do certain exercises or movements to help you. You have information OVERLOAD and end up doing NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. And nothing happens. You try to rest or manage the pain as best you can, but the injury and pain don’t go away. And this is the worst thing you can possibly do. Did you know that your injury might not actually be the effect of the actual singular movement that caused the pain, but more as a result of years of poor technique over time?

work injury

Is This Happening To You Too?

This is all too common. You shouldn’t have to suffer in silence. There is help that you can get. When people come to Relive Physiotherapy, the best clinic for Work Injuries in Chester, they all feel a little embarrassed about their injury. They often tell us:

  • lineI thought the pain would go away by itself, but it DIDN’T
  • lineI’ve been told that everyone my AGE gets this and I’ll just have to ‘Put Up With It’
  • lineI went to see my GP – they gave me painkillers and told me to rest. It felt better for a while, but as soon as I stopped taking the medication, my pain came back
  • lineI found some exercises on the internet, but they didn’t help me or my pain, and they actually made it worse
  • lineI went to see a massage therapist. It was nice and pleasant at first, but it didn’t fix my pain long term
  • lineI’ve been to see all kinds of people and always done what they recommended. But, nothing they ever said or did seemed to help

If this is you, then give us a call at the best Physiotherapy Clinic in Chester, and one of our friendly and helpful Relive Physiotherapists can have a chat to you (for FREE) to talk about what we can do to help you. Having tried some or all of the above is GREAT and it means that you are CLOSER to finding what works for you.

All you need to do is ‘Request Callback’ below to have a FREE chat with one of our Physiotherapists. Doing this is the first step in getting rid of your pain and getting you back to work. We’ll give you the right information to help you make an informed choice and get back to doing those activities you LOVE, SLEEPING better and back off the medication that is managing your pain, but not helping your condition.

Enquire About Cost & Availability? What 4 Things Can I Do Now To Get Rid Of My Pain?

Make a decision. TODAY. It’s the first step to getting on the road to recovery. Making that very important decision will improve your physical and mental wellbeing and you will feel like you are back in control. It’s time to say goodbye to your pain.

Resting is good for an injury, but there is such a thing as too much rest. Too much rest will cause your injury to get stiffer, sorer and it may even increase the pain. If you do some simple, targeted exercises, they will help your injury if done correctly. These should be prescribed by a professional and where better to find one of those than at Relive Physiotherapy?

Exercises are so important. Your friendly Physiotherapist will be able to give you the right ones for you to do in the right order and at the right time. They will demonstrate how to do them, and then make sure that you are doing them properly with the proper technique to improve your recovery.

If you get your exercises from the internet, then you are likely to be disappointed. Around 90% of people who find their exercises on the internet do the wrong exercises or don’t do them properly and this actually does more harm than good. Not all injuries are the same, so the exercises for your specific injury should be given to you by a qualified professional.

If you follow the steps, then you will start to feel better. However, nothing can beat the effects of ‘hands-on’ Physiotherapy that you get from Relive Physiotherapy as standard for your Sports Injury. As people have been able to do their work remotely, this has also started happening in the field of Physiotherapy. The only way to treat your condition via remote consultations is through exercises, but we feel that this does not give you the best chance of a full recovery. We believe that you DESERVE the best and hands-on treatment is often the quickest route to recovery. It gives lasting results which is vital for any injury. If your pain is preventing you from doing everyday tasks, work or do the things you love, then please call Relive Physiotherapy TODAY and your recovery can begin. Just a small word about expectations.


Do you want to know how you can live without pain?

Just arrange a FREE TASTER session with Relive Physiotherapy in Chester and we can discuss how we can help you.

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work injury

How Can Relive Physiotherapy Help My Work Injury?

There are so many things that we can do for you at Relive Physiotherapy, but here are a few:

  • lineQuickly ease the symptoms of your pain within three or four visits to our Physiotherapy Clinic in Chester.
  • lineHelp you enjoy a good night’s sleep and have more energy to attack your day.
  • lineAnswer any questions that you have. You will understand how to look after your injury and take back control from the pain.
  • lineHelp you get back to doing the things you love, through our expert treatment.
  • lineHelp you come off the medication that is not helping your condition.
  • lineKeep you out of the GP’s surgery or make return visits for painkillers.
  • lineGet back to enjoying quality time with your family and friends that pain has stolen from you.

Want More Information?

Want to know how our specialised team at the Relive Physiotherapy Clinic in Chester can help you live without pain?

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